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I recently added another tattoo to my collection and with that making a total of 9, I wanted to share everything and anything about my thoughts on tattoos, the creative process in which I take to decide on what tattoo to get and tattoo dos and donts through my experiences.

3/9 ~ solar system, spider, fish

It's only natural to be apprehensive towards getting your very first tattoo. The branding of one's skin should not be taken lightly because it is a lifelong commitment. Despite taking the necessary precautions, I feel as if most people still overthink a lot about whether or not the design picked out has enough substantial meaning to be forever immortalized on their skin. But does it really matter whether a tattoo has a literal meaning behind it? It sounds like a stupid question. However, I view all tattoos as the highest expression of thoughts, emotions and circumstances. No matter what the design is, it takes dedication to materialize anything onto one's skin and perseverance to withstand the pain. Your body is your temple and the prayers engraved on your walls should speak to only you. Each tattoo I have, is another piece of art I can carry around with my being at all times, an everlasting reminder of the things I stand for, the things I like and the situations I have overcome. All the succeeding tattoos I acquired after my very first, I did not overthink and instead got whatever I wanted, whether the meaning was of a great significance to me or not. I currently sport 3 tattoos that don't really have a specific meaning. I got each of them during a stage in my life where my emotional state had pushed me towards the pain of getting a tattoo, which is why I could not place an exact design to reflect how I felt. I make very extemporaneous decisions and for the most part, they didn't turn out that bad. Nowadays, I try to spend at least a few days looking up pictures for a legitimate idea before I let my excitement drag me to the tattoo shop.

2/9 ~ viking symbol, atomic structure of epinephrine

I don't entirely agree with the practice of getting matching tattoos. Relationships change as time goes by and old bonds may never be the same. Engraving your friendship in ink may very well be marking the remembrance of an end. I think of the process of getting a tattoo as almost like a sort of binding ritual, and when getting similar tattoos with another person it is as if the essence of that person is included along in the ink. If worse comes to worst, imagine having a constant reminder of a past life forever tugging at your memory. Even so, who am I to tell you no? I'm quite the hypocrite because I have gotten matching tattoos with a few other people, although, I'm very lucky to never regret what I did. Others may not be so lucky!

2/9 ~ snake, wings

After some newbie ink, most people thirst for bigger, better, more intricately detailed tattoos. It is easy to say you want one, but actually sitting there, in the tattoo shop, watching the massive stencil being drawn out as you question your will power will definitely eat at your nerves. Not everyone can withstand constant pain for an extended period of time. This is why I also like to refer to these tatts as "big boy tatts" or "big dick tatts" (not to be sexist or anything okay, calm the fuck down @feminists). If you think you are ready for a big dick tatt, you should first have:

  1. An abundance of money

  2. A design idea

  3. Photos for reference (more photos the better)

  4. Pain tolerance

  5. Reassuring friends to watch you suffer (optional)

I made a big mistake by going in to get my first big tattoo, not having enough money for the final design, but still pushing through with it and ending up with chicken wings under my breasts. They were supposed to be angel wings, but the given price was way higher than I expected so I made them smaller and in the end ruined the concept I was going for. After a few years, and a sufficient amount of money, I returned once again to get the iconic monster snake on my right shoulder. You know your monster tattoo is boss when people who see it don't even bother to ask what it means.

1/9 ~ dad

My dad's number 1 rule for getting tattoos is to NEVER get anyone's name unless they are your blood relative. It was the first thing he ever told me when I asked if I could get one and for good reasons. If it wasn't for his advice, I probably would have had been manipulated by some stupid basketball boy to get their name tattooed on me during that phase I had. I STRONGLY recommend you DO NOT get your significant other's name anywhere on your body. Finding a symbol, word, or even picture to represent the relationship would be the better option. Remember, it is a lifelong commitment.

1/9 ~ elf greeting from inheritance series

I have never been the kind of person to shy away from doing something I want to do and it has always been in my nature to be headstrong, but I was very hesitant to get the tattoos I wanted that were derived from an anime, series or a book I had read. I felt the idea was silly and no one would be able to exactly comprehend how the tattoo impacted me and would resort to harsh prejudices. How funny is it that I would uphold another person's view of my tattoo over my own? It actually came to a point where I cried about how I really wanted a specific Naruto tattoo but gave up trying to get it because of the comments that people would make about me. My most recent tattoo is an elven greeting for the Inheritance series:

Atra esterní ono thelduin.

Atra du evarínya ono varda.

Un atra mor'ranr lifa unin hjarta onr.

English translation:

May good fortune rule over you.

Peace live in your heart.

And the stars watch over you

I've received a few weird looks when telling people that this language is an ancient language elves use, in a book they have probably never read (illiterate peasants). Despite it, I've been wanting to create a canvas out of my body ever since I could remember and I have come to realize that I could not care less about what other people think of the art I want on MY skin. Life is too short to waste time pleasing anyone else but yourself, so get what you want, just make sure it looks good!

I hope this covered a whole lot for anyone seeking some ink advice! My passion for tattoos has only grown ever since my first one and I am always free to talk about ideas/designs! I also want to give a shoutout to my favourite ink shop: Needle Juice Tattoo, located on Taft Avenue, in front of De La Salle University! Spot my name on their wall if you decide to take a look at them.


Once again, writer's block has gotten the best of me and I literally have no excuse this time for any of you, but I was feeling a little down recently about my tattoo dilemma and I finally came up with this post! I have a few drafts listed and I promise the next time I post will be in a few days.

click me for the forum!

*if you have questions PLEASE ASK ME!!!!

don't be shy. shy people don't get anywhere.

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